In the Free Scrum Tool, These three are very important part
The Product Owner
The Team
The Scrum Master
1. The Product Owner: - In
the Scrum Methodology, The Product owner is part of Scrum Process. The Product
Owner watches the development in the view of customers. The Product owner is
input to successfully starting any development. The Product owner does this in
piece through Scrum Backlog Tool. At least one person is allocating the role of
Product owner in every project.
2. The Team: - The size of
the project, of course, is handling by team. Team are group of women and men who
do work mutually to finish the final product. In Agile Methodologies, there are
four to nine persons in any team. Team are typically not assigned to one task
Team must perfectly have abilities of cross
functional, so that work is actually combined. In the team no one is boss. All
members acknowledge their own strength and weakness and
Work collectively as a solid whole.
3. The
Scrum Master: - The Scrum master is not boss of team. The Scrum Master arranges the method for how information is
exchanged. A Scrum master is the direct for a Scrum Project Management group
that uses Open Source Scrum tool, a rugby similarity for an improvement
methodology that allows a team to self organize and make changes.
In the Scrum Planning Tools, People work together to achieve
common goal. In the scrum when one member falter than rest member follow.
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