Thursday, 5 September 2013

What is Difference between Scrum and Waterfall Methodology?

      Now a Day lots of Model available for Development .But generally most of people in development field use Scrum and Waterfall model for development .If new people come in Developing field, One question is always arias in his mind, What is difference between Scrum and waterfall methodology? And which is best for Today development?
Waterfall is an old traditional method for development that was thought in School and Collages .In the waterfall model; we define stage for development that will be run from Initial to end process. There are following step by step process in waterfall model.

1. Requirement Analysis

2. System Design

3. Implementation




Scrum Methodology is a concept for Quick and pure development cycle. There are Some basic step of Agile Methodologies


1. Project initiation 

3.Daily Scrum

4.Print Retrospective

5. Demo

6. Deployment

There are some Basic Difference between waterfall and Scrum Process

                   -          Waterfall uses Stage when Scrum uses iterations
                   -          Waterfall  job such as Project Manager when Scrum has a Scrum Master
                   -          In waterfall we cannot go back at Previous step when we do this in Scrum
                   -          Developer do not interact with product owner during every stage when in scrum developer                                                 always connect with product owner.
Using Upper understanding Scrum is a best Process for Development Life cycle.

                                                     Created By:- Open Source Scrum tool

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